Enrico was born in Modena, Italy, but is a citizen of the world: he lives and works in Italy, Northern Europe, North and South America.
He’s been manager and CEO of a number of innovative companies but first and foremost he is an ‘inventor’. Driven by his deep interest in technological innovation, Enrico has specialized in the development of innovative ideas and patents, and has launched numerous start-ups. For over 20 years he has been collaborating with cutting-edge research centres and gives lectures at the George Washington University, sharing with students how to translate ideas into concrete projects.
He is convinced that understanding the role played by genetics in predicting individual metabolic predispositions will herald in a new era in the world of health and well-being: from a purely curative approach to one based on prediction and prevention using made-to-measure solutions.
Genetica 23 rewrites the future of your skin.
A world-renowned expert in dermatology, Giovanni was for many years Full Professor of Dermatology and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Modena, where he was responsible for the research and study of Genetica 23.
He was president of the 24th World Congress of Dermatology held in Milan in 2019.
Today, he is full professor of Dermatology at La Sapienza University of Rome and director of the Dermatological Clinic of the Policlinico Umberto I of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
He has pioneered research into new non-invasive diagnostic methods and technologies that allow for the elimination of biopsies for the identification of skin problems.

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